Hi, I see topics on the forum asking how to hide the cursor (i.e DEF-1619 ), but I can’t find any information on the opposite.
In project Settings when I enable the “fullscreen” option and launch my game there is no visible cursor on the screen.
Is there any way of enabling the cursor while in full-screen mode?
I feel like I’m missing something because the only other threads I see ask about hiding it.
The game I’m currently working on is a click based game, so it’s highly dependant on having a cursor.
Well, we’re using GLFW 2.7 as a foundation, and there they simply disable the cursor when creating the window and, at the same time, entering full screen:
// If full-screen mode was requested, disable mouse cursor
if( mode == GLFW_FULLSCREEN )
glfwDisable( GLFW_MOUSE_CURSOR );
We will look into this as soon as we get to DEF-1619, but I cannot currently give you a delivery date. But I’ll be sure to discuss this with the team on monday.
Oh. That’s too bad. I’m on OS X. I guess we have to wait for a fix on Windows.
UPDATE: I tried to call the Win32 API directly and managed to show the cursor, but unfortunately it’s locked in the middle of the screen by glfw code and unless somebody knows how to defeat ASLR from Lua , I can’t disable that.
I afraid that is not help on mac if developer set a fullscreen checkbox in project settings (I am using NSwindow methods. In engine it looks likes fullscreen set by other way, i try to understand how)
But yes, if user do not use fullscreen option in project settings - it help.