Shaders and Android devices

I am having image quality issues with my game running on different Android devices.

On a lower end samsung, I have clouds that move per pixel and using parallax effect. At the start of a level, they seem okay. At the end of the level, they begin to jump around while moving. I think this might be a lowp/mediump/highp issue. I do not have video but can try and record the device.

My other issue is on a higher end LG device. The clouds move fine throughout the level play, But I noticed a big cloud, using a shader for repeating tile effect, is not the same and the end of the level. The beginning of the level, the cloud image is fine, but at the end of the level, it goes wacky. I have two images to show the difference.

I have zero clue on what can be causing this. Hopefully someone can assist me. The first image is what the cloud should look like throughout the level. The second image is what happens closer to the level’s end. As the plater gets half way through the level, the large cloud begins to get blocky. This, I don’t think, is a lowp/mediump/highp issue. Maybe the uv cords have something to do with it. Maybe I am wrong as the window’s version does not have this issue. Thanks.

I suppose I was wrong. It seems those issues may have been precision based issues. Setting the shader data to highp helped.