go.property("angular_velocity", 5)
go.property("speed", 200) -- Define a property to control the movement speed of the game object
function init(self)
msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
msg.post("camera", "follow")
self.mouse_x = action.x -- Update the x-coordinate of the mouse position
self.mouse_y = action.y -- Update the y-coordinate of the mouse position
self.rotate = 0
self.ammo = 50
self.magazines = 5
function update(self, dt)
if self.up_pressed then -- Check if the "up" action is pressed
local current_pos = go.get_position()
local screen_center_x = 1280 / 2
local screen_center_y = 720 / 2
local offset_x = self.mouse_x - screen_center_x
local offset_y = self.mouse_y - screen_center_y
-- Calculate the normalized direction vector
local direction = vmath.normalize(vmath.vector3(offset_x, offset_y, 0))
-- Calculate the target position based on the normalized direction and desired speed
local target_pos = current_pos + direction * self.speed * dt
go.animate(".", "position", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, target_pos, go.EASING_LINEAR, 0.004, 0)
-- Animate the game object's position to the target position using linear easing over 0.004 seconds
if self.down_pressed then -- Check if the "up" action is pressed
local current_pos = go.get_position()
local screen_center_x = 1280 / 2
local screen_center_y = 720 / 2
local offset_x = self.mouse_x - screen_center_x
local offset_y = self.mouse_y - screen_center_y
-- Calculate the normalized direction vector
local direction = vmath.normalize(vmath.vector3(offset_x, offset_y, 0))
-- Calculate the target position based on the normalized direction and desired speed
local target_pos = current_pos - direction * self.speed * dt
go.animate(".", "position", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, target_pos, go.EASING_LINEAR, 0.004, 0)
-- Animate the game object's position to the target position using linear easing over 0.004 seconds
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("up") then
if action.pressed then
self.up_pressed = true -- Set the "up_pressed" flag to true when the "up" action is pressed
elseif action.released then
self.up_pressed = false -- Set the "up_pressed" flag to false when the "up" action is released
go.cancel_animations(go.get_id()) -- Cancel any ongoing animations on the game object
if action_id == hash("down") then
if action.pressed then
self.down_pressed = true -- Set the "down_pressed" flag to true when the "up" action is pressed
elseif action.released then
self.down_pressed = false -- Set the "down_pressed" flag to false when the "up" action is released
go.cancel_animations(go.get_id()) -- Cancel any ongoing animations on the game object
-- if action_id == hash("left_click") then
-- if action.pressed then
-- -- Only create an enemy if left click is pressed (initial press)
-- enemy_id = factory.create("#bullet_factory", current_pos, rotation)
-- left_click_pressed = true -- Set the flag to indicate that left click is pressed
-- elseif action.released then
-- -- Reset the flag when left click is released
-- left_click_pressed = false
-- end
-- end
if action_id == hash("left_click") then
if action.pressed then
local screen_center = vmath.vector3(1280 / 2, 720 / 2, 0)
local mouse_position = vmath.vector3(action.x, action.y, 0)
-- Calculate the vector from the object to the mouse
local direction = vmath.normalize(mouse_position - screen_center)
-- Calculate the rotation angle in radians
local angle = math.atan2(direction.y, direction.x) - math.rad(90)
-- Convert the angle to degrees and set the rotation
local rotation_degrees = math.deg(angle)
-- Convert the rotation in degrees to a quaternion
local rotation_quat = vmath.quat_rotation_z(math.rad(rotation_degrees))
-- Only create an enemy if left click is pressed (initial press) and it has enough ammo
if self.ammo > 0 then
self.ammo = self.ammo-1
enemy_id = factory.create("#bullet_factory", current_pos, rotation_quat)
--collision.set_group(new_object, hash("enemy"))
left_click_pressed = true -- Set the flag to indicate that left click is pressed
elseif action.released then
-- Reset the flag when left click is released
left_click_pressed = false
self.mouse_x = action.x -- Update the x-coordinate of the mouse position
self.mouse_y = action.y -- Update the y-coordinate of the mouse position
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
-- Handle collision
if message_id == hash("contact_point_response") then
local newpos = go.get_position() + message.normal * message.distance
-- -- animate the bullet
-- local distance = 1000 -- distance in pixels
-- local speed = 800 -- pixels per second
-- local duration = distance / speed -- time in second to travel the full distance
-- local to = pos.y + distance
-- -- start animation and delete bullet when it has reached its destination
-- go.animate(bullet_id, "position.y", go.PLAYBACK_ONCE_FORWARD, to, go.EASING_LINEAR, duration, 0, function()
-- go.delete(bullet_id)
I am mainly interested in:
function init(self)
msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
msg.post("camera", "follow")
self.mouse_x = action.x -- Update the x-coordinate of the mouse position
self.mouse_y = action.y -- Update the y-coordinate of the mouse position
self.rotate = 0
self.ammo = 50
self.magazines = 5
i want the player to only be able to shoot when the ammo is above zero but for some reason the ammo is showing up as nil.