Rotate handle based on angular deviation rather than cursor X position

It would be nice if the rotate handle was based on how much the angle between the pivot and the cursor has changed since you started dragging, rather than simply based on the X position of the cursor.

One advantage with this, is that moving the cursor away from the object allows you to fine-tune the angle, more than you can with a fixed rotation rate as you have right now.
The smallest angle I can rotate with now lies at 1.14592 degrees, which is when the cursor has moved one pixel

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For the Z axis, that is. The X and Y axes should still be based on mouse delta, at least when you’re dealing with 2D graphics and the gizmo is always world-space aligned (which it seems to be at the moment)

The handles and controls will be redesigned in a future version of the editor. Not sure how the exact functionality will look yet though.