Rotate collection Problem (SOLVED)

1)I make a complex object as collection file.
It is a letter with info.(Bg,letter, and letter cost)
2)I am trying to rotate it.
3)When i rotate it sprite z ordering in changed.

How can i rotate such collection?

Hi d954mas,

If the background the letter and the cost are on same Z maybe is an math approx issue.

Try moving background a little far (0.1) or the letter and cost a little near.

Maybe will work :slight_smile:

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No. It have a big z differences. Looks like it depends on go position. If i move letter cost to (0,0,z) it will work.

Is your camera orthographic? Try switching to a perspective camera like with rendercam?

I remember facing this problem in the past but I don’t remember the solution. :confused:

Is depth test enabled in your render script?

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Do you use scale_along_z = true in the collection?

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It is perspective. In orthographic same problems.

No. I will try

Hmm. Not sure that I enable depth test)) I will try

Thanks. Enabling depth test and using diffirent pridicates helped.