Removing physics from engine properly

Here is a tricky one I fiddled with the whole day.
As our game is server authoritative (and does all physics on serverside) I would like to remove all physics on client.
So I create this appmanifest that Im using when building a release client containing this:

            excludeLibs: ["physics","LinearMath","BulletDynamics","BulletCollision","Box2D","record","vpx","profilerext"]
            excludeSymbols: ["ProfilerExt"]
            libs: ["physics_null","record_null"]

Result is that our main collection cannot even load (but I don’t see any errors??)
Question 1: If I have gameobjects containing collisionobjects with shapes in the collection. Will the engine refuse to load it? I would assume it will just ignore the collisionobjects???

Question 2: If I have disabled all physics/collision components in a collection will there be any impact on performance whatsoever still having the physics in the engine? Will removing physics support only then be a memory/packagesize issue? (I’m trying to understand what the gain is for me fiddling with this).

Edit: Reason for even having collisionshapes in a collection that will not use it is that both server and client is loading the same shared assets. Server is then disabling all visuals that is not needed serverside and client is disabling all physics components that is not interesting for the client.


I’m unsure of the answers to both of your questions. Hoping that @Mathias_Westerdahl or @sven can answer!