Remove dynamic Druid object

I am generating buttons for players with this code.

         for _, data in pairs(players) do
              local nodes = gui.clone_tree(player_label)			 
              pos.y = pos.y + off_set_y
	          gui.set_position(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")], pos)
	          gui.set_text(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/text")], data)
	          local button = self.druid:new_button(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")])
	          button.on_click:subscribe(function() remove_user_buttons(self,button, data ) end) 				

The Idea is that I add all the players with buttons dynamically added then be able to selected the player I want to be removed. Which I can get to work but the problem I have that I can’t seem to figure out is that now. Is after I am done selecting the users and leave the screen the dynamic buttons remain.

would I have to put all the buttons in a table maybe and delete them that way? Or is there an easier way to do this that I am not seeing.

Thanks for any help someone can provide.

Yes, you can delete nodes using gui.delete_node(node).

How are you doing this? How is the rest of the UI of the screen hidden?

Thanks for the reply! I do know I can delete the node with gui.delete_node(node) I can do once it it is clicked. But I would have to click all of them for them to disappear. I was looking for a way to just remove them after they have been created. And the user selected is deleted.

here is how I am leaving the screen after displaying the buttons.

local function okay_callback(self)"main:/remove_user#remove_user_prompt", "Hide")
    -- code to remove users goes here
    -- clean up dynamic buttons 

the code for hide is here.

elseif message_id == hash("Hide") then 
	gui.set_enabled(self.removeuserpromptblock, false)
	gui.set_enabled(self.removeuserpromptdiag, false)
	gui.set_enabled(self.removeuserpromptinput, false)
	gui.set_enabled(self.removeuserpromptbtnok, false)
	gui.set_enabled(self.removeuserpromptbtncancel, false)

I likely play with it some more but I am kinda stuck on this part.

I got some time to play with this some more.

I added this line

gui.set_id(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")], "body_" .. data )

which set the node so I could call them later to delete them like this.

local remove_button = gui.get_node("body_" .. removed_player)

this deletes the node but I get and error from druid it looks like?

ERROR:SCRIPT: /druid/helper.lua:161: Deleted node
stack traceback:
  [C]:-1: in function is_enabled
  /druid/helper.lua:161: in function is_enabled
  /druid/base/hover.lua:49: in function on_input
  /druid/system/druid_instance.lua:155: in function process_input
  /druid/system/druid_instance.lua:303: in function </druid/system/druid_instance.lua:297>

ERROR:SCRIPT: /druid/helper.lua:161: Deleted node
stack traceback:
  [C]:-1: in function is_enabled
  /druid/helper.lua:161: in function is_enabled
  /druid/base/hover.lua:49: in function on_input
  /druid/system/druid_instance.lua:155: in function process_input
  /druid/system/druid_instance.lua:303: in function </druid/system/druid_instance.lua:297>

here is how I am generating it and then the call to delete it.

-- loop though player table and make buttons
for _, data in pairs(players) do 
			local nodes = gui.clone_tree(player_label)			 
			pos.y = pos.y + off_set_y
			gui.set_position(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")], pos)
			gui.set_text(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/text")], data)
			local button = self.druid:new_button(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")])
			button.on_click:subscribe(function() remove_user_buttons(self,button, data ) end)
			gui.set_id(nodes[hash("remove_user_button/buttonBody")], "body_" .. data )

delete button

-- cycle though removed players and delete their button
for _,removed_players in pairs(self.removed_buttons) do 
		local player_index = get_player_index(removed_players)
		local removed_player_button = gui.get_node("body_" .. removed_players)
		local remove_button = gui.get_node("body_" .. removed_players)

I will see if I can debug this but this is what I was able to figure out on my own.

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If you create some Druid component and want to remove it (except all gui scene is removed), you should use self.druid:remove(instance)(Defold Druid UI Library). And you still need to remove gui node like you doing this.

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Thanks for the feed back I was able to look at the sample code and create something that worked for me.