Reload resource in two(or more) dmengine instances at once (DEF-2340)


So I’m trying to reload resource (via ctrl+r or http request on localhost:8001) with two dmengine instances running.
I observe that instance is reloading only in one of the dmengine players, and in which one is seem somewhat random.

Is it possible at all?


Not that I know of. @Ragnar_Svensson?


I came to understanding that this is not possible to do with provided tools, except some crazy workarounds.

I would like to know if this issue will be addressed in future at all. This is very handy to have when you working on a multiplayer game and want to have more then one dmengine running.

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I can’t see any technical reason to not fix it. When it will be addressed is however another question and one I can’t answer, sorry. The fix would be two-part:

  • dmengine binds to a dynamic port - wich would be good for other reasons besides this specific use case
  • You could make multiple device targets active in the editor
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I will create a ticket for this on Monday.

Created DEF-2340

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That makes me happy! Thanks.