Raycast misses collision area

I’m using raycasts to determine collisions for my bullets. Sometimes the raycast misses the enemy, particularly when the enemy is moving towards the player, as shown in the video below.

Am I doing it wrong or is this an engine bug? Maybe a workaround I can use or something else?

Minimum repro case attached below as well.


raycast-miss.zip (4.3 KB)

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The raycast won’t report a hit if it starts within a shape, which might be part of the problem.
Also how long are your ray casts? You can perhaps render the raycasts as well, using the “draw_line” message, to further help the debugging.

The raycast is very short so I assume what’s happening is the enemy is moved past the start point of the raycast and therefore misses.

I guess I could make the raycast longer and use the returned distance value somehow.

Thanks for the help.

Yeah, I that would be my first test.

I don’t recall the reason why the raycast won’t register if it is inside a shape (e.g. if it’s our code or the physics engine that decides that). It’s something I think we should look into. E.g. at the very least we could perhaps introduce a flag to include initial overlaps as well.