I have a question using gui.show_keyboard(). The keyboard looks the same as the four keyboard_types(DEFAULT, EMAIL, NUMBER_PAD, PASSWORD).
This is my code.
function on_input(self, action_id, action)
if action_id == hash("touch") and action.released then
if gui.pick_node(node_default_btn, action.x, action.y) then
print("pressed DEFAULT button")
gui.show_keyboard(gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_DEFAULT, true)
elseif gui.pick_node(node_email_btn, action.x, action.y) then
print("pressed EMAIL button")
gui.show_keyboard(gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_EMAIL, true)
elseif gui.pick_node(node_number_pad_btn, action.x, action.y) then
print("pressed NUMBER_PAD button")
gui.show_keyboard(gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_NUMBER_PAD, true)
elseif gui.pick_node(node_password_btn, action.x, action.y) then
print("pressed PASSWORD button")
gui.show_keyboard(gui.KEYBOARD_TYPE_PASSWORD, true)
This is the keyboard that is shown when I press the four buttons.
Does KEYBOARD_TYPE look the same on Android? (I tested with GALAXY ALPHA, GALAXY S3, GALAXY S8 and huawei Y6, and all of the keyboards were default built-in keyboards.)
If it’s a project on the Dashboard you can add me (bjorn.ritzl@king.com) as a team member. Otherwise you can perhaps just zip it and e-mail or if you have it on GitHub just share the link.
Sorry for the delay. I was about to check now but I noticed that you haven’t synced your project (it’s the one named keyboard_test right?). There are no script files. It looks like the blank template project.