Question about Stencil/Clipping

Hi all.

I right understand clipping in GUI work only on base pie/box node without texture? I mean if i place pie node with stencil and not apply texture for node it place mask on child node, but if i apply texture it doenst work?

I want make open gui with animated changed scale for child nodes.

I don’t understand what you want to do. Perhaps you could share a picture? -(thank you JCash for demo) I want make samething same, but I need speical texture (PNG file) above main texture

Ah, I see. I believe the transition that @JCash did was made using shaders. But if you want the use a GUI and use that GUI as an overlay/transition that masks anything beneath it then you need a pie node with clipping mode set to stencil and invert the clipping (checkbox). Next you need to add a box node with the texture as a child. This will punch a hole in the box node at the location of the pie node and show anything beneath it.

You mean make this structure:

pie node->first texture->second dexture?

No, pie->box and then somewhere else (not the same gui) the things you wish to mask below the box:


You did not understand me. I want to make a stencil effect using a texture, that is, instead of a black area in place of a pie node, there was animation, and under it there was another object. I’ll do a little test project to show what I want.

So the texture image governs how it should clip? That is not possible with GUI stencils alone. You can do it with a render script that draws to the stencil buffer though.

I have animation sequence for every stencil step, when image change I need opened part of below texture.

OK, that sounds like you should use a render script that draws that texture to the stencil buffer and use it to draw the background.

I see you example for render script, but not full understand how it apply for GUI node :frowning: It need special material for it?

Ah, yes, didn’t understand this. A custom render script is the solution.