Problems with importing map from Tiled


I have a problem with map which was generated with Tiled. The issue is once map is loaded into Defold it does not display tiles properly, I believe every item from tileset is shifted by 1 index.

So map in Tiled looks like this:

But loaded in Defold with .tilemap extension looks this way:


In my main.collection I have only Tile Map pointing to assets.tilesource which has .png Image in it.

I am using official Defold extension to Tiled, there was just small difference from official guide when I was adding it since it is .dll file (there was different extension in article described, dont remember what was it). Anyway, Tiled extension settings look like that:



I’m not familiar with the Tilemap exporter from Tiled. What I do know is that the tilemap format in Defold has not changed so the problem is likely with the exporter or how it was used. I’m pretty sure others here at the forum have used Tiled successfully with Defold.

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