Problem with the size of the BOX collider (SOLVED)

The problem is simple
I create this boxes for my GameObjects.

But then when I build the game this is what I get. Any clue about what is happening?

The platforms are set to static and they are not modified manually in a script.

If you need any aditional info tell me.
Thank you

PD: I am new to this engine and I can not say if this is a bug or if I am just useless xD

Hmm, that looks weird. If you’re not using any scripts to create the objects (with different scale)

I’m guessing you ran “Build and run” in this case? Could you also try to bundle the app for your platform and run that to see if you get the same or different result?

I did it and it still wrong. Now I can not see the debug mode but the charater falling down is revealing XD

It looks like you are scaling the objects, which will affect the sprites but not the collision shapes.

But I set the size of the collision shape manually. And even when If I set the scale of the sprite to 1:1 the box is still the same :confused:

If you bundled in “release” mode, the debug physics won’t show.

Yes, I know it, I said it to complement the part of my player falling, like:
“hey I don’t see now but my player is falling down so, I guess that maybe the issue persists”

Maybe I have to improve my comunication skills :smiley:

Anyway, thank you all guys. But I found a solution. Deleted the game objects, then I’ve created them again and now the collisions work perfectly.