Problem with "Build HTML" (SOLVED)

Hi people!

I have a problem with “Build HTML and Launch” in my project. When I try to do this, only the Defold-symbol appears in the browser window and nothing else.

Here are the settings in game.project

After uploading game bundle to it works right (in browser on

Can anybody tell me what’s wrong?

Hmm, the browser console mentions Unexpected Data Size. Not sure what that means really. Maybe @sven knows?

Click on the error to get taken to where it’s coming from. This usually happened before when bundling html and putting it on github due to differences in windows and linux line endings causing a different archive size from the one registered in the archive.json.


Yeah, I thought of line endings, but since this isn’t related to bundling and pushing to GitHub pages or anything I thought it wasn’t what caused it.

@implosion487: Are you working as a team with others using another OS than you own? Have you ever synchronised the project? Can you Build and run HTML5 for another project?

As a last resort you can try to follow these instructions on setting up Git line endings properly.

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I don’t know what happened but today “Build HTML and Launch” works and the game is playable in browser =/ Although I didn’t do anything.
However, the game works, but there is still error with server responce.

Maybe it’s not critical?

I work on a game alone and synchronise project after every change. Another project works fine in browser after “Build HTML and Launch”, but there is the same error with server responce.

I don’t use GitHub. And in some way today game works after “Build HTML and Launch” with only one error about server response.

Not critical.

@britzl, @Fuscy thank you for your participation and your help!