Problem with 3D model


I try to make a simple scene with a cube and a light, like in the “Basic 3D project”.
And I have a lightning problem with my cube. I can see the cube but there is no light.
When I use the built in mesh cube.dae, it is working, I can see the light on the cube.
So the problem is coming from my mesh, but I can’t find the cause. I use blender and export the selected object to dae. I read the “Importing 3D models” page but there is nothing special… I don’t know if the problem is coming from the mesh or the way I export it.
I tried to add a texture, to flip normals, to create a new material… I also imported the built in cube.dae in blender, but the cube is black when I render it. So, I created another cube using the same material as the built in cube, exported this cube to my project, the problem is still there…
Anyone facing this problem ?

.dea is depreciated format but should still work. Could you share your project? without build or internal folders.

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I found the problem while making a test project to send. It was not the mesh… It was the code :sweat_smile:
But thanks for your fast answer.
So it is better to use gltf ?

Nice, glad you found the issue. Yes glTF is preferred and a much better standard imo. Some benefits , multiple mesh , multiple material, more than one uv, multiple animations in single export and has been stated that the importer will be improved in the future. In general working with glTF in third-party tools is much more stable.

Ok, I chose dae, because in defold all built in assets are in dae. And in the documentation there is: “While our ambition is to fully support the glTF format, we’re not fully there yet.”

While we’re not ”fullt there yet”, the .dae format is not somethingwe’ll continue to support, and the old importer is not good (i.e broken).