preference so can turn on and off
many times i have this problem where i acidentally add a space behind a id, then the message doesnt react and doesnt have error and i go crazy
Yeah, an option to show whitespace characters would be pretty sweet. @mats.gisselson, had this been suggested before?
@illuminae have you reported this via Help->Suggest Feature?
I dont think so
Space in code brakes the code?
like for example in the layer id property of a tilemap i wrote "floor "(space behind floor)
and when i try to call that layer with “floor” it wond react because “floor” and "floor " is different
Oh, you meant inside string quotes.
Perhaps we should just trim whitespace from the ends of ids? Not sure when you’d ever want to have whitespace around these.
But - that already exists? Both tab and space have a character showing (albeit not very strongly).
I think he means that these whitespaces are not highlighted inside input fields in the properties panel in the editor.