Please add "Replace" to the script find

CMD+F/ctrl+f brings up the Find menu.
I have two main issues with this menu:
1. No “Replace” option
2. It seems to be faulty (at times, the Find will only locate some or none of valid, matching instances of the same phrase)

These don’t massively impair my development, so I’m not ripping my hair out. These don’t need to be implemented, and if they aren’t, that’s fine. I just wanted to bring this up in case you didn’t know about it.


Note there are separate search “windows” for the code itself and the console. It can be sometimes a little confusing to see which one is which.

As for replace, that’s accessed through ctrl+h.

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ctrl+h and CMD+H seem to only bring up a basic about popup providing the local version and logo of Defold

That is odd. Can you see the replace option in the Edit menu? It only shows the code window is active.

Oddly, it is listed as Alt+CMD+F.
At least it exists.
Striking [1] from my post now…

I’m just going to delete my post. Cheers, and thanks for helping me :slight_smile:

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Nevermind then. The mods will have to delete it.