Playing particleFX:s in .GUI:s (DEF-2106) (SOLVED)

So, we have this “You Win”-screen made in an .gui and we want to add some particle effects for the animations. Is there any simple way of doing this or do you have to find/set and play the wanted particlefx all through a guiscript?

Mostly, what we want is to make sure that the particle effects play from the proper position every time.


No, there is no way to attach particle fx to GUI nodes. You have to use a gameobject for that.

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I am not sure it helps, but you can always render the particlefx in gui-space by setting the gui.material as material. That will greatly simplify positioning the fx at the positions of gui nodes.

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Remember though that the draw order of the particles within the GUI scene will be unknown. If you need them drawn at a specific order, place them in their own GUI scene and use gui.set_render_order() to set the draw order of the scenes.

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Maybe you can help me with my issue : I need to make GUI particles on top by Z.
I tried to change Z - but it has no effect , and stop on next way:

For GUI particles I created new material - copy of GUI material, and I changed tag to "gui_particle"
Than I add my new predicate to render script and draw it latest (I need particles in top order)

Creation of new material and predicate is a good way to make top ordered particles?
Or maybe I have other possibility to make particles in GUI with Z order?

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Changing material tag + new render predicate is a good way if you are using Particle FX. You could probably write or use your own particle system that could work within the GUI, but it most likely wouldn’t be as efficient.


Now, when you finished spine in GUI maybe you have plans to add particles to GUI?

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This is already in our backlog as DEF-2106. It is currently not scheduled for any upcoming release, but I’ll add a link to your forum request to increase it’s priority. Everything is based on how many people are requesting it and if there is a workaround or not.

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In my game I have many places where I need this feature. And all time I am using workaround with predicates - it is very difficult way. I already have 3 new predicates only for particles and one more for gui (for situation when I need gui>particles>gui>particles)


This would be quite useful from a usability standpoint. These workarounds make it look like the GUI is second class citizen even though the Defold GUI implementation is among the best I’ve seen.

So bumping this thread.


maybe some news or some estimates about this issue?

I took a look at the ticket in JIRA and it seems as though it has been postponed, pending a decision about the future of the divide between go and gui space. According to the ticket the team had a workshop two weeks ago to discuss this, but I’m not aware of the outcome. @Mathias_Westerdahl, @jakob.pogulis, @sven, do you have more information to share?

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Any news about particles in GUI ? I think how to be with some new features in my game where I need particles in gui (waiting or makes a bulky workarounds)
(or maybe some news about merge an essenses of gui and go?)

It’s in the works. Not sure how much time left though.


I believe @Johan_Beck-Noren is working on it right now.

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That is correct, the feature is being designed right now. It is a pretty complex task to make sure it is solid and usable in way we want it to be.

It will probably not make it into the coming release what with easter coming up, but it is ongoing :slight_smile:


This feature was added in Defold 1.2.109