That’s the same way I found it out - I think it would be good to add it to the manual
Now what I don’t understand sometimes is that when I am changing the size of the dynamic collision object it start to behaves differently when collided with static object (ground) and kinematic object (player). I thought it could be somehow regarded to the Physics Scale.
The kinematic object can “push” dynamic object (boulder below), but the speed of it’s moving is not related to the mass of that dynamic object (as for kinematic’s mass is infinite), but only behaves like it would have two states:
See difference in pushing two shapes (radius 17 and 25)
When kinematic object is pushing a bigger object - it is moved slowly. Sadly, there is no way to change that speed, only I can make object smaller (the treshold seems to be a strange 17 pixels radius here - larger radius is moved slowly, while 17 and smaller radius makes no difference to player’s speed).
One more important notice here that probably is the reason for speed of pushed dynamic object - with radius 17 and smaller - player’s trigger is not detecting collision with the dynamic object (animation should be changed to pushing like on the second gif, but isn’t).
What I suspect the most is that I should use dynamic object for player to let box2D resolve the collision, but in that way I will lost control on hero (or would need to change it to applying forces instead of changing positions) or resolve in some different way the collision between kinematic and dynamic object for it to look naturally.
How do you think I should solve that issue and allow to create different objects of different mass that will be pushed with a suitable speed?