Panthera - Animation Software for Defold

Panthera 0.8 Release


Hello! Here is the update for Panthera Editor. I’m using it pretty often, so I adjust several stuff to work with it in more comfortable way.

So, here is rough changelog:

  • Animations! Now we able to create several animations for one node setup in the Editor. On export, different animations will be exported in different functions. The exported code API slightly changed:
    • Animation.create(nodes, options, is_skip_autoplay). In options you able to define default animation. By default it is “default” :smiley: . The is_skip_autoplay says don’t play animation at start.
    •, options). Now you able to override default options, pointed on creation. This options is: animation_id, speed, is_loop, is_relative, is_skip_init, callback and callback_event.
    • The is_skip_init flag is required to don’t setup node initial state on animation start. It can be useful to escape the sharp transitions between animations.
    • Panthera project format was changed, but there is migration and all should be ok.
  • Code Export! The HTML export was improved. Now it can remember your last save path. And more important feature is Copy Export
    • Copy Export allows you copy animation code directly from Panthera Editor. It also can speed up your animation setup workflow, since it’s just copy & paste
    • Two buttons on status bar with Copy Export and Export to allows you don’t open the project window to do export :tada:
  • More node setup! I’ve added the blend mode and is enabled to node settings. Blend mode was required for me to better adjust animations for lights and other types of particles. With is enabled you can setup initial node state without spawn trigger key at animation start.
  • Hotkeys changed! Now hotkeys assigned mostly to SHIFT + (X) due the HTML version. It should work better now
  • Undo/Redo! Still disabled :laughing:. Since it not very critical for me, but sometime!
  • JSON Project Export! Now include every used image, so you can easily share animation project between your computers or even with your teammates (also in VCS too?)

Link as always on GitHub

Have a good day :white_heart:


how this work? please learn me. I cant move box ((

video on this forum cant see

Hello! You can read the Panthera’s Manual here

In short: then time on timeline is zero, you change the initial state of the current animation. If you move timeline to any other time - you can add a timeline keys of changed properties by changing them and click on property with :large_orange_diamond: icon


Awesome job! It is working great and very efficient. Any plans to opensource it? for people to add features to it?


Thanks for the feedback!

Sorry, currently I have no any plans to opensource it. But if you have any suggestions or improves, you can make an issue at github and make some donations to prioritize somehow your features :smiley:

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I made the introduction / tutorial video to get faster into Panthera

In this video we will create simple slider GUI component animation:

Introduction covers:

  • Animation create with import images and *gui file
  • Add several animations, create timeline keys
  • Import animation into Defold and run it
  • Show workflow how to update animation faster via just copy/paste
  • Several options and how it’s affected on animation
  • How to bind nodes directly into animation

In just 7 minutes!


Amazing work!! Thanks so much for this. Can’t wait to build nice GUI animations.
BTW, you work on Druid (especially the grid/datalist components) makes my life sooo much easier, I thank you every day that I’m using your library! Keep up the good work!


Looks amazing! Can’t wait to play with it. :laughing:


maybe you can do checkbox with play all list animation repeatly? from first list item to last

There is no sense to make this in animation

You can do it via animation callbacks, something like:, {
	animation_id = "anim1",
	callback = function(), {
			animation_id = "anim2",
			callback = function()
				-- play other

okey. how i`m add second position.x to one animation?

You can add multiple timeline keys for any property and adjust timings for them. The flow is similar like to add the first one :wink:


fantastic, i`m try this :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

What are you plans about releasing 2.0?

I would love to check it out, even if it would be a paid software. It could become a really nice animation software, especially after following your progress on Twitter and if it would be able to export rendered animation also to formats like GIF or MP4 :wink:

I was checking out things like Motion Canvas and Remotion, but those are all code-only without visual editor, not so convenient as it might look like, you must be very familiar with their weapon of choice and the syntax to do anything.

P.S. It would be also great if you could record tutorial in some higher resolution as the previous video is not very clear :pensive:

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Thanks for your attention to the project!

Currently, I don’t have any ETA for Panthera 2.0. I’m investing a lot of time in R&D to make it as good as I want, including a fully adaptive UI. The progress is really good! However, this progress depends on my free time, so I can’t commit to any specific date.

I will continue to post my devlog on Twitter, and one day it will be ready to do amazing things. :blush:

Regarding exporting to GIF/MP4, it seems to be a tricky task in Defold. The current solution is to make the editor view fullscreen and record the animation. However, in this case, there is no alpha channel. So, we may figure out how to do this later.


Thank you so much for the update! No rush on this, I didn’t mean to ask about any ETA, but only if it will be available to use :smiley: I would love just to use this, as I believe it would help me (and not only me) a lot. Export is just an option, I will also try to experiment here in my free time :wink:

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Could you tell me how to make such an animation in 3D?

As @Pawel mentioned above, I am making the Panthera 2.0 and want to showcase the current workflow with it:

And here is a thread on Twitter from the start of making the Panthera:


Amazing work as usual!

I’m curious about your tech stack. What are you using for UI? Druid? And to parse defold scenes?

For the Defold team: this is the kind of result I’d love to see us being able to do in the editor directly, as an extension. Given the excellent results of the community with engine extension, I’m sure it would be a huge boost on the editor side too.



Yes, I making Panthera with Druid! There are a lot of custom components like list view, properties panel etc.

Defold scenes I parsing with just pure lua. The *.gui format is much easier than *.collection or *.go and can be easily imported. The export back is still a hard task :smiley: