Hey there,
So, I’m trying to build a GUI text window that is scrollable (think like a status window or like a continuous dialog window for characters). I wanted to support rich text formatting, so am using this rich text library: https://github.com/britzl/defold-richtext – which works fine, but it really quickly hits the WARNING:RENDER: Out of text-render entries: 1024 issue. Basically, two of the example “long text” will overflow the entries.
Given the nature of the content, I’d expect to really rapidly exceed that amount of text. Any way to increase this render entry limit? I was planning to keep a certain amount of backscroll (so not infinite) and then pop it off the list of entries. But the current limit is really quite low, you wouldn’t even need to scroll because you can overflow it with like less than one screen worth of text.
Any other techniques to reduce number of text render entries or somewhere I can increase the limit?