On screen keyboard bug on Galaxy S5 (SOLVED)

Two users of our app using Samsung Galaxy S5 has complained that the taps on the on screen keyboard is interpreted as screen taps instead of key input (or at least that is my interpretation of their input). I do not have access to an S5 at this point, so I have not been able to test it myself.

When talking more with the users it seems the problem is with SwiftKey - both had it and when deactivated the keyboard works as expected.

Thanks, I filed an issue for this.

Thanks! We are getting quite a lot of bad reviews because of this, so I hope you will prioritize it when vacation time is over.

Just want to add that it seems to be a similar problem on Moto X

We are now back from summer vacation and have prioritised this bug. It will be fixed soon.

That is super! Could you please tell me as soon as there is a beta version that I can test so we can upload a fixed version as soon as possible? Thanks!

I am sorry to say that this seems to be an android os issue. Unity are having the same issue:


We have asked our Android platform partnership team to see if they can get more information about this. We will get back to you when we know more.

It seems the Unity issue might be the same as the user with Moto X is experiencing, but I am more unsure regarding SwiftKey. Also, it seems the Unity issue happens when using an InputField, but (unless you are using a hidden one below the surface) that is not the case here?

It seems to not be related to SwiftKey in our case, I have reproduced in on Nexus devices without SwiftKey installed. Unfortunately there does not seem to be any workaround, and it will work on some android configurations and some other not.

It is unclear what exactly is causing this, but it seems to be an issue with the android system software rather than anything in the app.

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Yes, but it is related to SwiftKey (but I do not think that bug is necessarily technically the same as the one on Nexus devices, event though the behaviour is the same). I have two users where we have confirmed the behaviour with SwiftKey on, and confirmed that it works when turning SwiftKey off

Alright, good to know.

I have investigated this further since this is a breaking issue for us. I have talked to a user who has a MotoX and I have installed SwiftKey on a test device. I have tried different solutions and workarounds and we are getting the exact same behaviour: Defold takes input before it is propagated to the keyboard and it never reaches the keyboard.

The strange thing is: I have another project using the exact same input code and there it works (I have created a gui helper library that both projects share that handles input)

I am sorry that this issue is taking a lot of time. We are still in dialogue with google for the Nexus key board issues, and we have reported an issue to the swift key support. For some devices with updated OS versions both swift key and soft keyboard works. So if you have more device information with version information, just throw it at us. Thanks.

If I look at the commenters on Google Play who have stated they have this bug, the following devices and OS versions are included (not sure wether it is Swift Key or device who is the culprit):

Moto X (ghost), Android 5.1
MeMO Pad 10 (ME102A) (K00F), Android 4.2
OnePlus One (A0001), Android 5.0
LG-D150 (w35), Android 4.4
HTC Desire 310 (htc_v1_u), Android 4.2
NW-F880 Series (icx1237), Android 4.1
LG-D157f (w35ds), Android 4.4
DROID Turbo (quark), Android 5.1
Liquid Z500 (acer_Z500), Android 4.4
ZenFone 5 (ASUS_T00F), Android 5.0 (probably SwiftKey)
MeMO Pad 10 (ME102A) (K00F), Android 4.2


@Ingela_Garneij: It would be interesting to do the same for Blossom Blast Saga. Are we seeing the same reported issue for one of our games, to which extent and on which devices?

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I have created a game, using the same code, that does not have the issue - so it might very well be that BBS has no problems at all.

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Oh, so it’s only in Hammerwatch this happens?

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Of my projects - Yes

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I looked at this again yesterday, found some oddities on what native events were reported by the OS when the keyboard was shown in landscape mode on certain devices… Haven’t pinned down the reason or a solution yet, but just want to let you know I am looking into it.

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