Normal attribute in vertex shader

Hi guys, the thing is that I recently wanted to make my billboard shader for particles whose source should rotate freely. Well, I’m using a bit of self-written logic for rotations and calculating the rotation angle, but I needed the vertex normal to do it. I tried to use the semantics of the normal in the shader settings and get it in the code:

Material file in text editor:

name: "particle"

tags: "particle"

vertex_program: "/root/render/Billboard/particles/particlefx.vp"

fragment_program: "/builtins/materials/particlefx.fp"

vertex_space: VERTEX_SPACE_WORLD

vertex_constants {

  name: "mvp"


  value {

    x: 0.0

    y: 0.0

    z: 0.0

    w: 0.0



vertex_constants {

  name: "v"


  value {

    x: 0.0

    y: 0.0

    z: 0.0

    w: 0.0



fragment_constants {

  name: "tint"


  value {

    x: 1.0

    y: 1.0

    z: 1.0

    w: 1.0



max_page_count: 0

attributes {

  name: "local_position"


  element_count: 3

  normalize: false

  data_type: TYPE_FLOAT

  coordinate_space: COORDINATE_SPACE_LOCAL

  double_values {

    v: 0.0

    v: 0.0

    v: 0.0



attributes {

  name: "worldVertexNormal"

  semantic_type: SEMANTIC_TYPE_NORMAL

  element_count: 3

  normalize: false

  data_type: TYPE_FLOAT

  coordinate_space: COORDINATE_SPACE_WORLD

  double_values {

    v: 0.0

    v: 0.0

    v: 0.0


    //my vertex shader
    uniform highp mat4 mvp;
    uniform highp mat4 v;

    attribute highp vec3 local_position;
    attribute highp vec3 worldVertexNormal;

    attribute highp vec4 position; // positions are in world space
    attribute mediump vec2 texcoord0;
    attribute lowp vec4 color;

But I got a list of unfilled vectors:

I’m not sure how to use this in the end, did I get the correct data at all ?