No syntax colors on .script file (SOLVED)

I have a .script file. In the editor it does not have syntax highlighting. What am I doing wrong? (The file builds and runs.)

Did you perhaps right click the file in the Project Explorer and select Open With->Text Editor? The file will keep opening in the Text Editor even if you close and re-open it. If that is the case you need to instead do Open With->Lua Editor to get it to switch back to the syntax colored editor.

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I will give that a try. Thanks.

Just tried it. With the Lua editor everything is brown. With the text editor everything is black.

Ok, hmm, brown? Are you sure you haven’t added a multi-line comment around all of your code? Example:

a multi line comment
that will be brown
in the Lua editor

Could you please post a screenshot or your code? Is it like this for all files or just one? What about .gui_script files or .lua files?

There is a multiline comment at the top but it ends.

Seems to be a bug in the parser, if you end it with --]] I bet it will look nicer.

Yes, that did the trick. Thank you all.