News Sim strategy

I totally would, @Elpidoforos_Gkikas, but I am really sensitive to eggplant so I can’t make it :cry:

I make an okay courgette lasagna though!

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If you like zucchini = courgette you can make the same with zucchini instead eggplants.

you can make very nice pastitsio , just if in the same recipe put down pasta macaroni usualy thick ones, and add in sauce mornay a bit like 2 teaspoon of nutmeg , which looks like making lasagna but nutmeg gives a certain aroma and has meat, if again do not want meat put vegetables like peppers all kind or zucchini. As for your recipe i would like to hear one day. :stuck_out_tongue: thanks.

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What menus to keep :

    1. Old menu
    1. New menu with man and blink eyebrows
    1. New menu with bigger newspaper alone (no man)
    1. A menu of newspaper which cover all screen

0 voters

thanks the community your vote will be very helpfull

please will be very helpful for me to vote as more as you can, because is good hear your opinion about this so by vote you really help.

for help you choose i put down the ones to see , only one fullscreen imagine as the medium in fullscreen

old menu :

new menu with man and eyebrows

new menu with medium size newspaper without man

thanks very much for your participation

Kalispera sas dear defolders the vote results was that you like the menu with man and moving eyebrows.
So after a voting of 6 persons, which i thank very much that gave some minutes from their time for help me. I have to say that with 50% the menu with man won. So I will make next days the changes at game and after i will show you the update. Still i do implementations so to do a small demo for you to play and say your thoughts. Thanks I wish to all the best :smiley:


Hi Elpidoforos, long time no see! I understand your feeling, however I would say it is almost certainly a coincidence. Please don’t feel bad for sharing your idea.


Hi m8, yes logical is this you say just was a surprise see almost same thing. Thanks

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