News Sim strategy

Thanks very much for your sketch and info , are really helpful for me , maybe can do smaller map and bigger event button or events bigger boxes. Thanks very much again

Kalispera sas dear defolders, after the good info @russelkgd gave me about how believes could be better the gameplay I done changes on how events to look on the menu of reporters. So I put a photo
of what I made, I put icons for integrity, popularity, money, readers and subscribers, also I put a bonus number who will multiply the numbers of readers and subscribers as a bonus in calculations after the journal is published. So we will have also a case of random also.

Here is the photo , maybe make a bit smaller the box of events, so seem more at user and need to scroll less. And i tried do this that @russelkgd said about to not be so stretch from edges. Thanks for hearing me and I wait your opinions. Also @russelkgd I wait your opinion. Maybe in difficulty do not seem all icons as you suggest also.


It’s better in terms of understanding events themselves, but all text is still stretched. Maybe it’s only in screenshot and in game it looks better.


Thanks @russelkgd for your comment I left place and left and right and up and down, also I change the map at left to be smaller , and maybe when I finish a small demo then you can make more comments about gameplay. Thanks a lot for your suggestions. And I hope you finish soon your game too!!! If anyone else of community wants say suggestions please do, believe me really helps to hear opinions. Thanks

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Kalimera sas dear defolders thanks to @russelkgd I made this changes, and by suggestions of @Pawel too I decide to change the bottom ui by add there too the icons, also I want with stencil to change the news bar to show one of most important news of week at bar so player can see it directly. Also I want this to be animate from right to left and to make loop. Thanks for hearing me I wait your comments. The idea is by finishing the implement of gameplay to make a small demo so you to can make more comments. Thanks

Thanks I wait your comments !

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Kalispera sas dear defolders, I have made some changes on main ui at bottom to show the residential zones of city which you press on houses down left and give info, about people that stay and how much people read of them your newspaper. Thanks I wait comments


Kalispera sas dear defolders, I am trying do changes to the game and make also a demo, but i have delay little as i try do also translation of manuals to greek, and also i try to make a community greek about defold in facebook, thanks @88.josh joined, as is not only for greeks is for all defolders to come and share things inside about defold.

As now for the game i done credits menu, but after came to a thought maybe all menus to change but i want your opinion in that for example old mainmenu is this

and i made a new mainmenu with a great animation moving eyebrows :smile: like this

so the question is and i would love see your answer do you like first? or do you like second ?
And also in second do you believe need changes or corrections? Thanks a lot and be well all

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I think its better to do just paper fullscreen, like the man is holding right now. Maybe even embed menu buttons in news headers, but i’m not sure. Probably current menu buttons will be better in the end.

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Thank you for your opinion, one other thought i had was not to be the man and to be just bigger the newspaper but not fullscreen I think is too much, just i like your menu that had moving and I wanted sth
to move, thats why wanted to be other the menu. One could move also the pages to turn when change a menu but how do that maybe is very
difficult, now has only a timer delay moving the eyesbrows every 2 sec which maybe not so nice. But changing pages maybe more nice? yes ? what you think @russelkgd? maybe @Pawel or @Denis_Makhortov can say sth more because usually help me with things so their opinion would be useful to hear also!!! thanks any other please write

In Ocean Commotion example there are fishes that are blinking in a random manner :wink:

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ok about blinking maybe would be better with random but about menu dilemma you dont say you @Pawel believe is better like this with man and blink, or for example bigger paper no man , or fullscreen paper like @russelkgd said , or the old one wood menu around :smiley: i think i must put a vote :smiley:

I really like the animation of the eyebrows. It’s fun.

Is there anything in the world that Bjorn does not have in the examples? :smile:
I don’t know what to say about design. I think that unusual and memorable design in games is always cool. The main thing is that it is convenient for the player.


Turning pages will be also nice. And how difficult it will be to do it, fully depend on your current menu layout.

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ok maybe eyebrows will be good and yes @britzl has many examples which is good for us, as for the eyebrows example i will check it tomorrow see how he does, for now i have a bit more static blink every 2 sec which i didnt like much and maybe @britzl could give another tone to the menu.

About changing pages what you think?

I done also this you to see maybe without man

I am in design dilemma what is best :smiley: maybe do a vote like greece done a vote about euro :joy:

yes i think will be nice but does not need a man to turn them?

136 lines of code for blink !!! help god :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Nice at start i had one dilemma now i have fourlemma if exist such word or maybe we can say dilemma on the double :smile:



There are less than 20 lines of code for this:

  1. go property called blinking

  2. 17 lines of code for function blink(self)

  3. start blinking in init() :

    self.blinking = false

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ok 20 but when you first see the script before you see it well you see 136 lines :smiley: which i thought so not all are blink but on ear hears more nice !!! :yum: thanks anyway for show the example as i didnt show had such one before

Now i do a blink with a timer delay fuctions in 2 sec I could put random time at sec of timer delay and to do again the animation, anyway thanks for mention, all opinions are good

so any other have any other idea how to make the menu… I would love to hear your opinions …thanks

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Kalispera sas dear defolders, still i have the dilemma about how make the menu, as others from community except last one @britzl put a like at the menu of one that the man holds the newspaper. But is not so hard write one line of answer and say i like this or i propose this, ok noone force anybody but thats why i try put things here for people help. Ok anyway i know all have jobs and games to develop but if you try help me solve what is best for menu i promise i will write very good recipe of moussaka you to do at home and have like this a wonderful dinner at house with your other half, i propose candles too and wine.

As now for today i post the result of events to show the places on map where are. Now yet interaction for example press on event or on icon on map yet does not have but even so shows where is, also i want ask sth very important does

      gui.set_enabled(node_event, false) 

except of not show the node , cant also press on it? is sth not exist at all ? or just enable and disable the icon (sprite)"?

so as to show you the event i put two photo you to see

thanks a lot , please respond for help me and next post on news sim will be recipe of moussaka.

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For the base of moussaka you need for one normal medium pan usualy rectangle or circle like on icon
1 kg minced meat half pork-half beef
1 small tomato paste can
1 can chopped tomatoes
2 leaf of Laurel dry
1 spoon dried basil or fresh chopped
1 spoon dried parsley or fresh chopped
7-8 eggplant black medium size
2-3 medium onions
salt-pepper(pepper if you dont eat do not put anyway little wants)
now some they put also one line of potato down but me I prefer two line of eggplant

For sauce mornay above
1 lt milk
200 gr butter
200 gr about flour normal not one that is for cakes and become big
300 gr cheese yellow grated, in your likeness but to be salty not much but salty, usualy in greece they put kefalotiri
2 egg
salt - pepper

Now execution
first wash all eggplants, take this circle colander which you have for pasta and put 4-5 papers of kitchen
you cut one eggplant on height so I mean at long part thin about half your finger fat.
you put a pan with oil normaly sunflower bec is better for fry on low fire and not much in pan only cover because the eggplant if you put much oil will take all, so you cut one and fry
until fry both parts to take color but not to do at all for eat just become a bit red take color,
(until fry you cut other , you cut one by one because not to become black)
also when fried take out put at colander to get dry on paper and take off the much oil.

when finish the eggplants put one line of them down on the rectangle pan which you anoint with little oil, because eggplants have oil anyway. the line is to put one and the next on the other and not leave space but the second cover the half of previous so is all one above other like this photo i made you to see

so in pan medium height for boil you cut onion with olive oil which cover now only down not much again only cover the floor of pan, and you put the onion to fry for low fire, salt and pepper when you put at onion takes better taste if is to fry after, when take some color you put the minced meat and one good trick is to add boil water, from a boiler for more easy about to almost cover the meat and we mix all the time so like this become ready more easier the meat, meat you must make to seperate as much you can. When meat take some color, After you put tomato paste and chopped tomato, the laurel, parsley and basil. And leave to boil until meat is almost ready soft. (This you can do earlier so to do only eggplant after)

After take this meat with tomato sauce and throw above the floor of eggplants. Take out the Laurel
and put with a spoon above to all eggplants like second floor, next you put a line of second eggplants
and above this you put the sauce mornay which i will write how you do down.

ps one good trick which makes better the taste of food is to put a 2 big spoon of sauce mornay
which is for above and put inside the meat sauce usualy this noone mention and is secret

Sauce mornay - even if in houses they say besamel
you must use a stirrer
you put in a high pan of boil, the butter to melt in low to medium fire, when melt you put flour and you mix with stirrer to become one with butter, now you add slowly slowly the 1 lt milk by mix continuous and try to be one, salt pepper, after the cheese and you keep about 50-70 gr for the end. When starting to become hot and you mix start to become also thick there after 1-2 min you close fire. After you put 2 egg inside - if someone cannot eat egg can make without eggs(also usualy we brake in another small plate not to be bad and destroy our sauce), so you mix eggs too and is ready take a golden yellow color.

So above second line of eggplants which can put also a bit only cover longer parts and not to be so much cover like down you put the sauce mornay and you cover all the top.
After throw above the rest of cheese.

You have already make 10 min warm the oven in grill and air up downin 180-200 C depends how strong is the oven. And you put inside when about after 35-45 min become above with a good color like photo above you take out, and you serve. (Also very nice is cold. especially if you put rest at fridge greeks like to eat it also cold because we have hot summer) . You can eat with very nice feta cheese and a salad and a nice wine to make “eis ygeia”. Enjoy !!! :smiley:

Thanks for hearing i hope you do the recipe.


oh YES!!!

@88.josh make it and tell me after … if you like :smiley: also once you came here say your opinion about menus how to do . And maybe i put the recipe of gemista .:smile: thanks

also i saw @Alex_8BitSkull too i think moussaka will bring more people than my game and menus :joy: