Hi there. Just started with Defold, so far it’s quite nice. Love it for the speed of execution and builds. But the topic of collection proxies seem to be a very confusing one. Just bumped into something strange myself and would very much appreciate some clarification.
So I have a loader game object with a collection proxy component and a bunch of scenes I’d like to switch between. I’m using the collectionproxy.set_collection call. to set different collections on the same proxy. Then I do the async_load and listen for proxy_loaded message. If there’s already a collection loaded I check that and do unload, then wait for proxy_unloaded, then do async_load. Every time I get ok status from collectionproxy.set_collection call.
But this doesn’t seem to work unless I add collection proxies with all the collection I’d like to switch to up first. I don’t have to reference them, use them or anything. They just have to be there like so:
If I only use one collection proxy and would like to switch the collection I don’t receive the proxy_loaded when setting a collection other then the one set in the editor. Any ideas?
Also, is there a way of checking for the collection loading progress in case It might take a while and I’d like to have a progress bar or something? Looking at the specs it looks like maybe get_resources/missing_resources might be the way?