Need ability to change cursor icon desktop

I need to be able to switch between system cursor icons on Win/Mac/Linux while in game window

Hand / pointer etc.

It is very important to me for visual feedback on interfaces.


Perhaps it would be better if you could configure the game to hide the system cursor (DEF-1619) and then you could replace it yourself with a game object+sprite to have full control over how the cursor is rendered.


I need both. Ability to switch the hardware cursor (normal for desktop games) and ability to hide the hardware cursor so that I can render a software cursor (also normal in games). Then I’ll let user choose if they want the super shiny software, or hardware cursor that will perform always better.


Anyone who’s used Aseprite, you might have noticed that the cursor seems to ‘stutter’ on occasion - Aseprite uses a software cursor and ends up with that side effect as a result. This effect is something that would be quite undesirable in a game, so I think that hardware cursor modification would definitely be a good idea to support.

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