I’ve been experimenting with adding desktop support to extension-firebase, as it would be useful during development to see the effects of remote config before running on device.
The problem is that on x64_64-win32 (the only platform I’ve tried so far) the engine fails to link:
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: public: void __cdecl firebase::Mutex::Acquire(void)
>>> referenced by /tmp/job13747211900906676459/upload/firebase/src/firebase.cpp:110
>>> Firebase_1.lib(firebase.cpp_0.o):(int __cdecl Firebase_GetInstallationAuthToken(struct lua_State *))
The documentation states
The Firebase C++ library
is required, and it must always be listed last.
whereas the clang invocation when building the example, after adding firebase_app.lib and firebase_installations.lib to firebase/lib/x86_64-win32, specifies the following. Is it possible to modify this order?
-lfirebase_installations -lfirebase_app -lFirebase_1