Ah, now I understand.
That mean I have no chances to implement this feature before game relese?
When is your deadline?
Something about 15-20 July
In this upcoming sprint I will pick up the DEF-2788 (Updating to iOS 10.3.1). Hopefully, this can be useful to you, although it leaves you little time left before your release.
Objective-C is quite a dynamic language. Try:
Class SKStoreReviewController_ = NSClassFromString(@"SKStoreReviewController");
if (SKStoreReviewController_) {
[SKStoreReviewController_ performSelector:@selector(requestReview)];
it works, thank you!!!
Hopefully, the updated sdks will be supported in the next release (iPhoneOS 10.3 and MacOSX 10.12)
Here’s a sneak peek:
After update editor2 i can’t build a game, maybe the reason is update of build server?
Ah, yes, it was an oversight from my part. Sorry about that!!!
We’re about to release a beta version of Editor 1 and as such, the defold sdk was updated before the server was updated. I’m in the process of updating it now. You should be able to build again in 10-30 minutes.
Please try again, it should be up and running now (with iOS10.3 and MacOSX 10.12 support)
works fine, thank you!
FYI: This was released in Defold 1.2.108 today.
Awesome feature!
I read through the manual, “the Defold SDK allows you to write extensions to the engine in the C++ language”.
Is there a chance to write an extension in Object C as I see some are using Object C in this thread? Please give a simple example instruct how to write an extension using Object C code.
I’m trying to write Game Center extension but look like it only allow to do with Object C while the Defold SDK only supports C++. Is there and build configuration to instruct the cloud build compile Object C codes ?
The entry-point for an extension is always a cpp file that sets up the extension. For an iOS/OSX application you’re also able to add ObjectiveC code, for Android apps Java code and for HTML5 you can add Javascript.
Have a look at the camera extension for an example of how to use ObjectiveC code: https://github.com/defold/extension-camera
I am using some objectiveC code in my Unity ads native extension, you can see here: https://github.com/AGulev/DefUnityAds
Great job! So how to identify windows, DM_PLATFORM_WINDOWS?
Yes, exactly like that.
Did somebody try to make iCloud native extension?