My gui_script isn't working, can someone check it for mistakes? (SOLVED)

Hey guys! Never worked with a GUI before so I have no clue what I’m doing. I’m loosely following this tutorial:

What I’m trying to do is get a response from my code when I click on a node in my GUI. The GUI is built. Its placed in a game object that’s inside main.collection. It has a box node with the id “box” and a text node nested inside. My input “mouse-button-left” is bound to the action “trigger_click”. The .gui_script is linked to the gui. Heres my code:

function init(self)".","aquire_input_focus")

function on_input(self, action_id, action)
	if (action_id == hash("trigger_click") and action.released == true) then
		if (gui.pick_node(gui.get_node("box"),action.x,action.y)) then
			print("GUI has been clicked")

When I run the project the print doesn’t appear in the console. I feel like there’s a really simple solution but I’ve been wrapping my head around this for a while and cant find any mistakes. Any ideas?

“acquire_input_focus” <-- c!

Good eye. I fixed it and it still doesn’t work though. :confused:

How does your input bindings look?

I figured out the mistake! I had the touch input and the mouse left click input bound to the same action. I removed the touch input and it works now! Thanks

Aha, yes that is a known bug.

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