More robust guide on native build server

I’m building a SQLite extension, the problem is i live in SA, and the connection with the EU servers of Defold are quite slow from here to there. I was told to use the extender but i just couldnt figure out what exactly i need to do… I need a step by step guide or something simillar. I didnt understand the majority of the steps in the readme file, such as where do I get the needed files? where do i put them in my computer? Which app do i build in (CMD, visual studio developer CMD…)? Much thanks!

We do not have permission to distribute the various platform SDKs required to perform cloud builds. This means that you need to download the correct packages and provide them from a location where the Dockerfile can find and download them.

Look at the Dockerfile to better understand what files you need:

The DM_PACKAGES_URL should be set to a URL where the SDKs are located. This can be a local server hosted by you.

You can remove/comment the sections for platforms that you don’t need. I believe you are on Windows right? If that is the case you can remove all other sections of platform setup code from the Dockerfile.

Windows setup is here: And as you can see from the Windows setup you need:

I’m not 100% sure about how the above should be packaged, except that it should be in .tar.gz format. @JCash will be able to answer this when he sees it.

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When i try to execute the ./scripts/package/ it just says that “.” is not recognized as a program or external… I have Docker installed.

At the top of the script it says:

# Run from msys
# ./

You may interpret that as any non windows-command prompt that works for you. E.g. “git-bash” under Windows Terminal.


In the discord server we had a more in depth discussion about that. I ended up giving up on making a SQLite extension, since there is already a way of saving and loading. It was giving everyone a lot of headache just to set things up! For now the elite said that they got info about my attempt at setting up and said they were going to improve instructions. Much thanks to the developers for helping me out, but unfortunately i did not made it there. Also, I was using git-bash all time.

We’ve made an update to the setup instructions:

It is still not something I would recommend someone unfamiliar with command line tools and build systems to try, but an advanced user should be able to set up a local extender server using those instructions.

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