Hey @britzl, thank you so much for this amazing extension! Pretty sure I’ll use it in all my projects (once I’ll finally make it work).
But for now… I just added Monarch to one of my prototype and set it up just like in the Tweet Fighter example (pretty cool game name by the way ). Only changed a bunch of URLs/paths and names/ids…
But for some reason… it doesn’t work. I thought I got how it worked and it seemed really easy to use, but I must have missed something important and I don’t know what. Maybe you can help
Here are a few screenshots of the set up:
Here is my controller.script (supposed to automatically load the char_selector collection):
local monarch = require "lua-modules.libs-defold.monarch.monarch"
function init(self)
msg.post(".", "acquire_input_focus")
msg.post("#", "start")
self.test = 0
function update(self, dt)
function on_message(self, message_id, message, sender)
if message_id == hash("start") then
self.test = self.test + 1
print("self.test = "..self.test)
Result: black screen
and the debug “self.test” variable is endlessly set to 1.
No error message, but nothing happens.
Is my controller script looping on itself or something? (since the self.test is not incremented beyond 1)
(I really don’t see any differences between my “char_selector” screen and the “title’” screen of the Tweet Fighter project)
PS: probably nothing to do with my issue, but:
PPS (edit): nothing to do with my issue, but… in this situation (issue/question related to some old stuff), should I bump the old topic or create a new one?