Monarch - Simple screen manager

Ah yes, that might be it. If so, it wouldn’t be Monarch causing it specifically, but rather any message.

Searching the forum it looks like the “set_speed” message is used in some Defold tutorials, and maybe in other Defold users’ projects, so it would be strange if this hadn’t been flagged before.

Which Defold version introduced the sound speed parameter?

Ps. If this is indeed the case, is there a list of red flag message IDs that shouldn’t be used for arbitrary messages? I think set_enabled is one?

I put this in a project that doesn’t have Monarch and got the same results as you:".", "set_speed", {kmh = 250})
DEBUG:SCRIPT: hash: [set_speed]
{ --[[0000015544431E90]]
  speed = 1

Reserved messages are discussed in this thread, but “set_speed” is not mentioned. Looks like the sound speed parameter was added in 1.2.162, which is after the thread on reserved words happened and might explain the absence from the list. If indeed my theory is correct.


As you mention, searching the entire code base for “set_speed” returns zero results.
Indeed, using “set_pan” give a value of 0, which is the default value of the sound pan property.
So it must be some more generic code path that does this.
I don’t get the same behavior by using e.g. the “tracking” property of a label by using “set_tracking”. We need to debug this to know more.


hi, how to mute monarch logs?

Monarch should be muted by default:

You probably have a call to monarch.debug() somewhere?

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