Memory and web

Ok, here is the case- let’s say we have 1000 hi-res images to be displayed in html5 game. What’s the way to do it right? Collections & proxies? Dynamic loading from disk/server? - thanks

Upcoming feature LiveUpdate would be best solution to this most likely. You want to avoid the upfront download. LiveUpdate will make that easier. For now dynamic loading from server is good enough, and your cdn should handle cache times so user’s browser can reget cached version instead of redownloading over and over. Requires using GUI for this and not GOs as atm there is no way to do dynamic image loading for sprites but you can with GUI.


OK, thanks! So let’s wait for LiveUpdate feature :slight_smile:

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No need to wait! You should be able to continue with your game, just structure the game so that the parts you will want to load using LiveUpdate are placed within collectionproxies. In the example below, bonuslevel.collectionproxy could be excluded from the bundle and loaded during runtime with LiveUpdate.

└── main.collection
    ├── alpha.script
    ├── beta.script
    └── bonuslevel.collectionproxy
        └── bonuslevel.collection
            ├── delta.script
            └── gamma.atlas