Meet Gridog – your daily word puzzle companion! 🐾 Can you unravel the mystery word?

:wave: Hello world.

Introducing Gridog – your daily dose of wordy wonders! :paw_prints: Unleash your inner word detective by navigating through a maze of letters to uncover the hidden word. :man_detective: Share your triumphs on social media and challenge friends to beat your accuracy. Come back tomorrow for a new puzzle – because with Gridog, every day is a playful puzzle expedition! :dog2::books:

Give it a try at Since we are good friends, I’ll give you a defold forum head start: today’s word second letter is “C” :wink:

Can you sniff out the hidden word?


I like this a lot. It is very clean and simple which is my favorite. This will be my first “wordle” type of game I’ll be playing daily.

Btw. the logo is cute! :bone:

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Thanks for the kind words. I’m really glad you enjoyed it because I really enjoyed making this game.

Have fun, and if you spot a bug pls let me know :).

Incredibly smooth and cute, it has a level of polish that’s simply nice without anything getting in the way. Love the subtle animations too.

But… I indeed did not sniff well, got the word on around 40%

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Very cute and simple game! Congratulation with the release :tada:

There is a simple thing you can fix with the fonts:

The solution here: Issues with DF fonts - #10 by totebo


One thing I would like to see is an indicator when mouse hovering a letter box. Perhaps a nice sound, different from the click sound, along with some kind visual indicator.

After todays word I had to google it do see its definition, would be cool to see the definition at the result view.

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Nice! I also landed at 40%, must improve!

Out of curiosity, is the daily word baked into the app or stored on a server?

Also, I noticed the clipboard copy works on mobile web, is that using custom JavaScript, or did you use the Defold Clipboard extension?

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I noticed that too. But I don’t have much experience with the behind the scenes of fonts, so I somehow imagined that would be very hard to fix. Glad to see that’s not necessarily true. Thanks a lot for the link, I’ll give it a try.

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That’s not so bad. I happened to miss more and I curated the words list :slight_smile: . I’m sure you will make better tomorrow :muscle:

Hmm, you are totally right. I will do something and let you know once it’s live. Thanks for the feedback!

About the wordlist: it’s stored on the client side (inside the app). It’s basically a list of aprox. 600 not too obscure words. That means that if no new words are added, after 2 years they will repeat. But I doubt someone will remember the words from 2 years ago so that shouldn’t be a problem.

About the clipboard: it does use an extension and had to add a bit of code to have it work in the browser. But I don’t remember the name and I don’t have my laptop with me. Will check it tomorrow and come back to you.


Yes, used Britzl’s extension. To make it work in the browsers too, add in the touch event’s callback:

-- native app clipboard copy is handled by the clipboard library
if (clipboard ~= nil) then
    -- html5 clipboard copy is handled by the "polyfill"

where copy_text is a local function:

-- this function is used to copy a given text to the clipboard, on browser builds
local function copy_text(self)
    -- check if the current browser supports the clipboard API
	local result ="navigator.clipboard")
	if result == "[object Clipboard]" then
        -- executes the supplied string as JavaScript inside the browser."clipboard_copy('" .. share_message(self) .. "')")
		print("Can't access clipboard")

Now, the last step is to provide the clipboard_copy function. Add it to the page’s head tag:

<script type="text/javascript">
async function clipboard_copy(thing_to_copy) {
   const result = await navigator.clipboard.writeText(thing_to_copy);

Nice, but I was clueless as to what I was trying to do. I now see I’m trying to guess the correct letter in each column to spell a word using only one letter from each column.

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Hello world,

Just writing a small update: the fonts issues has been addressed and now there is a feedback effect when hovering over a tile.

Thanks again for all the suggestions and tips! #③③ - accuracy ⑨⓪%

A nice addition to my daily addictions, awesome work again. Might only be small changes but it does feel that little extra polished :slight_smile:

2 Likes #③③ - accuracy ⑤⑥%

I’m not sure I’m improving! 🫠