Make enemy drop random powerups (SOLVED)

Hello again,

I would like my enemy characters to occasionally drop random powerups. Currently I have two built: powerupHealth.go and powerupBomb.go (several more planned). Does my enemy gameobject need separate factories for each type of powerup, or is there a way to spawn different gameobjects dynamically?



Probably powerup Health and powerupBomb differ only by a Sprite image and the property they modify for the player, right?

I can propose to you to create a single powerup game object, where you can in the code have a game object property that will specify it kind - health, bomb, etc.

In the code then you can change Sprite’s animation in init and when player picks up the powerup, send to him a message with what kind of powerup was picked.

This is very generic, but I hope you get the idea :wink:


Having 1 factory per powerup type and then dynamically modifying the factory url when creating the object seems pretty clean & simple (even though you need 1 factory per powerup type).

But it depends on how different/specific your powerups are, if they use the same powerup script or not etc.


local random = rnd.range(1,nb_powerup_types)
factory.create("/powerup#factory_"..random, pos, nil, param)

/powerup#factory_1 would spawn powerupHealth.go.
/powerup#factory_2 would spawn powerupBomb.go.

Hope this helps