Main.collection how to load sprite bottom left corner at 0,0, not the center

I’m new to this game engine. How do I get it so the sprite left corner loads at 0,0. Not sure why the default center position is 0,0 if in screen view the bottom left corner of the screen starts at 0,0. (example pic below)

also if I simple move the sprite my camera position stays centered at 0,0, how do I change that as well.

I’m on a laptop btw and not using a mouse. Not sure if that’s why I can’t move center screen in main.collection

Do you want to move camera in the editor? Alt + drag left mouse button
Or do you want to move the camera position in the game?

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The camera in editor, thank you.


You can either move the sprite component or the entire game object. The sprite component has a position relative to the position of the game object. More about moving, rotating and scaling objects in using the editor tools: You can also modify the position, rotation and scale of the game object or component in the properties panel on the right.

To better understand the relationship between collections, game objects and components you can read about the building blocks here: