Made With Defold Jam 2024


Aaaand the winner is… PERFECT+1 by Quarter Hour Games! :heart_eyes:
It (literally) PERFECTLY matched the theme “One too many” with interesting gameplay and so many levels! :heart:

Winner gets €100 for Steam and a PC game of choice! :gift:

:2nd_place_medal: Silver medal goes to Lombriz Espacial for “My Bug Farm is the Worst Farm”! :bug:

Beautiful resource management bug farm simulator, when “one too many” :snake: is definitely too bad for the farm!

Congratulations for winning €50 for Steam and a PC game! :gift:

:3rd_place_medal: We have two 3rd places - bronze medal goes to @kuyimobile for the game “CLINKO”! :radio_button:

It’s one of the most polished games I ever saw on a game jam - it has dozens of levels, upgrades, awesome audiovisuals and a nice gameplay! :heart_eyes:

You get €25 for Steam and a PC game!

:3rd_place_medal: I am again putting a medal on my own neck, but I’m so glad to share the last place on podium with Kuyi! My game “Skeleton Siege Shuffle” :skull: took 3rd place ex equo!

No rewards for me, it would be hilarious, but thank you very much for appreciating my game! :heart:

A winner in category “Presentation” and a 5th place overall with definitely the best looking pixel art racing game with vibrant colors and cute trucks created in technology of Sprite Stacking is “Tiny Truck Racing” by @benjames171! :truck:

It comes with €10 for Steam and a PC game!

6th place in the Made With Defold Jam 2024 goes to Bro Mandarin for the 1-bit RPG game with inventory management mechanics and cool story called “The Stone Path to Madness” :crossed_swords:

Reward is €10 for Steam and a PC game!

7th place in the Made With Defold Jam 2024 goes to Naakka Dev for the cool card picking game with mathematics involved under time pressure called “Tally NOW” :black_joker:

Reward is €10 for Steam and a PC game!

8th place in the Made With Defold Jam 2024 goes to Hamid Reza Khaki for the asteroids-like game with spinning blades and diverse upgrades called “Blocks!” :cyclone:

Reward is €10 for Steam and a PC game!

9th place in the Made With Defold Jam 2024 goes to diralf for the stylish platformer game with a ladybug (animated in Rive) that can climb walls and ceilings even and teleport! Check out “Above The Threshold” :beetle:

Reward is €10 for Steam and a PC game!

10th place in the Made With Defold Jam 2024 goes to @dlannan for the 3D bouncer simulator, where there is one too many customers in da club, called “Let’s Bounce!” 🪩

Reward is €10 for Steam and a PC game!

Last reward of €10 for Steam and a PC game will go to Albert (createbyalbert) for the game “21 and no more” that took 11th place and which is a nice twist on a classic blackjack! :black_joker:

Congratulations to the winners and to all the participants for making and submitting your games! :partying_face:

Check out all the amazing games here:

Made With Defold Jam 2024 is now completed, see you next year, meanwhile - Happy Defolding! :wave::wink:


Congratulations to the winners, and great effort by @Pawel. Thanks for organizing the developer talks as well, that’s something I hope we see a lot more of in the future.


Thanks @Pawel for all the hard work you have put in. I think everyone really appreciated the work and honestly, for me, it was just great fun. Oddly rekindled some of ‘fun’ of game dev like in the old days :slight_smile: Congrats everyone too, some awesome games - even not in this list!


Thanks everyone and @Pawel for organising. I did not expect this, we’re super happy we came so high in the charts and everyone loving our small game. Thanks again! :scream::star_struck:




Good job @Pawel, this was very fun experience and all the time you’ve spend on this is appreciated! Congratulations everyone! :tada:


Thanks @Pawel ! I enjoyed playing all the games and watching the jam. However, it was a bit strange that some of the winning games didn’t follow the theme. While we should respect the rules (in particular, rule #3), it would have been nice if more games had stayed true to the theme. Nevertheless, it’s great that many people have learned about Defold thanks to this event.


Guys, and the Poki presentation and Q&A!


The most successful Defold game jam ever by some margin!

Many thanks to @Pawel @selimanac and others for all their hard work on the jam and to everyone who took part making some great games and for rating entries. Looking forward to next year!


Awesome, thanks for jam. Every year it better and better. Nice idea with talks and presentations.


Congratz everyone!
It was a really lovely experience.
I hope we get double the entries next year :smiley:


I hope to be well enough to participate next year!


Time to play some games! Thank you a lot for hosting and caring, Pawel!


Time to make a retrospective look at the jam! It definitely was the biggest jam and I am really happy that people like it and like the events we tried to organise together for you.

:heart: Big shoutout to speakers: @britzl, @d954mas, @mozokevgen, @sergey.lerg and Denis from Poki (I don’t know if he’s on our forum?) who voluntarily prepared and presented talks on different topics. It takes a lot of time to prepare something like this and effects rarely are admired, even though they provide us with interesting insights, experiences and real-life numbers.

:heart: Big shoutout to @amel who helped us with the Discord maintenance during the jam (and not only them - he’s moderating it all the time!

:heart: Big shoutout to @selimanac who voluntarily offered help in designing and creating beautiful graphical assets for the jam, the logo, banners, social media backgrounds, everything!

:heart: Big shoutout to Defold who sponsored again the Steam gift cards as the rewards for the winners!

:heart: Big shoutout to everyone who participated and submitted games to the jam, congratulations to the winners and thanks to everybody who liked, reposted, shared everything on socials!

I gathered already a lot of positive feedback from you and I’m wholeheartedly happy it was to you liking. If there is anything of constructive feedback that we could do better next time, please, do share here or with me in private, as you prefer :wink:


A personal thing, really: I generally struggle with game jam themes and having them compulsory can be a barrier to some of us. As I understand it, the purpose of having a theme is to inspire ideas, not hinder them. I really like the way LOWREZJAM and TriJam handles this: they offer 1 or more diverse themes to promote ideas and there’s not obligation to use them. Just a thought.


If it helps, my feedback, even though I didn’t participate in this Jam, is that I found the theme difficult to understand.

Hi @Pawel , are you going to be able to upload the other presentations? I still want to watch the other speakers that I missed.