Ludum Dare 39 and #CoronaDefoldJam this weekend

so, 2 days left
221 Joined
23 Entries


Well we’re as finished as we’re going to be. Only issue is that we can’t get the game out of the editor!


Took a quick look at your github repo. It looks like the .internal directory (used by the editor for caching library dependencies among other things) somehow got committed. That shouldn’t happen.
Could you try git rm’ing it?

Doesn’t seem to fix the html bundling issue though.

Done, I think I committed it before setting up a .gitignore. I’ve tried removing it to see if it fixes building a few times.

It builds for web fine for me from windows. You could also try actually downloading the libraries you’re using instead of adding them as dependencies and letting the editor do it for you.

Side note: are you doing some huge calculations when you initialize the game? For me it freezes for several seconds on startup (on desktop, it freezes firefox when I try the web build).

Need help here… any ideas?

Yeah it’ll be all of the ai initialising the a* stuff. Really we should probably only do it once and then farm it out/have a centralised thing that the ai request a path through. Not entirely sure how to do that in Defold though.

You could also try actually downloading the libraries you’re using instead of adding them as dependencies and letting the editor do it for you.

Just unzip the package into a vendors directory or similar?

edit: I’ve just put the dependency into a vendors dir and removed the dep. I can build!

1 Like

Well, I’ve fixed the loading time issue and made a HTML5 build, yay! Will put on the jam soon :slight_smile:


225 Joined
26 Entries - Defold (12) vs Corona (14)
Submissions due in 1 day 12 hours 15 minutes


29 Entries
Defold: 15
Corona: 14



7 hours 32 minutes to go!
231 Joined, 33 Entries
Defold (18)
Corona (15)

Interesting stats… I wonder how many Defold games would we have after the community voting.

Also we’re announcing a new contest soon. #staytuned


Well, I uploaded something to the jam. It’s at best a buggy prototype, but it’s my first “game” ever, and even though it’ll take many more months to finish what i want to do with it, I’m pretty proud of getting this far. I can’t wait to continue working on it, fix everything that’s wrong, and get the story and little cutscenes and save/load tracking and progress and all that jazz in there. I’m not gonna stop until it’s the full game i envisioned from the start!


42 entries total. Defold - 23, Corona - 19. Pretty close to 50%/50%. Let the Rating Games begin!

Rated more than a half of entries so far, that’s all which I could play online or on my mac. My favorites:



Let the votings begin :slight_smile:


Played all the games from Defolders (except one which has only anroid build) :slight_smile: You rock, guys :wink:

Hey devs.

Who will continue the development of his/her “game for the jam”?

i will :slight_smile:

I definitely will ^^ I didn’t know about the Jam when I started so will continue ^^ good luck everyone ^^


I’ll be doing a few shoutouts to vote so the games get played by as much ppl as possible. And I inspire you do the same. The games quality is quite good, from where I am.

Hugs to everyone who did ship!


Great work everyone! I have spent the morning playing the games, and I’m happy and impressed by the community! Oh, and make sure to post your playables to the Games section as well :raised_hands: