Looking for good approach for placing colision shapes for ground

In this image below 2d flat room, I have placed colision shapes to ground taking cosiderration of side wall and dividers of room I have rotated collision shapes created gap at dividers so objects when fall with gravity doesn’t look floating above ground at that position. This is one approach for this.

In another approach I’m using tilemap(32x32) to make ground and placing it behind floor sprites.

I’m finding tilemap approach not proper for this situation as If I have to adjust dividers position and make layout change to room then I have to redraw tilemaps also everytime. And also have to adjust tiles to make smooth edges at sides and divider position.

Is there any other approach like creating custom shape with collision shape editor apps and adding it(never done this so have no idea)

Any suggestion for this flow. So in above pictures I have shown room design part is straight. But ground can also be complex with curve like layout like this outdoor scene -


Approach 3: Tested by Covexhull shape, editing collision shape for this ground layouts is much easier and fast. But not having convexhull shape visible in editor hurts. Also, used Defold polygon editor from rossgram. I have not a clue but end collision shape is not accurate and have no idea to how align this properly. Is there any other collision shape editor that work great with Defold.

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