Looking for advice: Orthographic camera and CollectionProxy

During the optimization work in the current project where I decided to load
main level via CollectionFactory and other levels dynamically via CollectionProxy (for excluding and loading by LiveUpdate later)

So project architecture looks like:
main controller.collection


before “optimization way” factoryLevel2 was also a CollectionFactory, not CollectionProxy.
and camera following was working fine, now I got:

DEBUG:SCRIPT: Camera 'hash: [/cameraGame]' has a follow target 'hash: [/hero]' that does not exist

It makes sense, I understand that in the first case (via CollectionFactory ) the collection is added to the current collection, in the second (via CollectionProxy) as an “independent” collection.

As a workaround (to keep the current architecture of the code) possible to add GO to game.collection and update its position how we need. (by pre-setting the camera to follow this GO)

Is that a good solution? How would you solve this problem?

the link to online build here.

repo case project:
test_orthographic_camera.zip (10.7 KB)

[To see how it work use a button “workaround” in the main menu.]