Long shot - Defold team favour request

Not the usual type of request, probably specific to me but here goes.

We have a Samsung Smart TV on our home network which is playing havoc with the Defold console (strangely). Every 30 seconds this happens:


I’ve been through every setting on the damn TV several times and other than remove it from the network I’m out of options so I’m reaching out. Could one of the Defold devs comment out this error before I go insane!

Alternatively anyone have any idea what this means? Google isn’t helping… :sob:


I’m not entirely sure what’s going on, but this message comes from the internal SSDP server in the engine, which allows us to connect to it from the editor.

We’d have to research it some more before coming to a conclusion as to it is actually ok for a message to be missing that header or not.

In the meantime, I’d look for any SSDP or “smart” settings on the tv, making it discoverable over SSDP.

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If the messages annoy you then you could probably block the IP of the TV in your firewall.