Linting updates only when the script file is loaded

I’ve noticed the linting doesn’t seem to automatically update recently. Is there something that needs to be configured for it to update as you type?

Defold 1.9.1 on Mac Sonoma 14.5.

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Has anyone else experienced this? To me, it makes the wonderful linting unusable.

I see similar behaviour on Windows and version 1.9.1, and I have a feeling that linting worked more correctly when it should have been included as a dependency.

I also tried configuring the .luacheckrc file as described in this manual:

In specific globals variables (I wanted to add the names of native extensions so that they are not underlined), but I didn’t notice any changes in linting.

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Please share editor log (help->show logs)

Log attached with the same actions taken as in the video above.

editor2.2024-07-29.log.txt (2.5 KB)

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Thanks, I reproduced the issue and currently working on a fix.

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The fix is live now, please update the editor.


I can confirm it works! Thanks so much for fixing this, I hadn’t realised how much I’ve come to rely on linting in my workflow. :fire: