Learning Roadmaps

Ref: https://roadmap.sh/

Folks, while browsing GitHub, I came across some learning roadmaps that I found very interesting. They map out a path of study, helping beginners know what to learn in a given area.

I thought we could create a similar roadmap for the Defold Engine to guide new users on what to learn and in what order. These mental maps are very useful to give direction to beginners, show key concepts and technologies, and build a solid foundation of knowledge.

What do you think about the idea? We could assemble a collaborative roadmap, with main topics, resources to study, example projects to practice, and improve it gradually. With everyone’s experience, we can properly guide developers who are starting with Defold.

I think this type of material really facilitates learning, answering many common beginner doubts. What are your thoughts?

I think this is a great idea! It can be quite daunting to learn a new tool, especially something as complex as a game engine.

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I can start developing this roadmap, but I will need the community’s contribution to point out what are the best paths to follow during the learning process.

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I will keep feeding the information, and when it is acceptable I will publish the roadmap. https://draw.roadmap.sh/657702855145316d25e94e0d

Seems to be a private link. I’m getting “Oops! You are not allowed to update this roadmap”.

Try this link:


I tried to make a road-map.
This is the best that I could pull off , check it out .

I will improve and extend it as a I learn too.

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