Joint Cameras

I’ve got two characters in my 2D games with 2 different cameras and one camera seems to be prioritised. I was wondering how I could join the cameras so that the screen [fov] widens when the two characters are apart and closes when they are closed. A good example of this is fireboy and water girl. Any help is appreciated.


I would move the camera to the middle point of the segment joining the positions of the two characters and modulate the zoom in such a way that the two characters are sufficiently inside the screen. The details of the implementation are widely up to your “artistic” vision :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply,

However I’m new to defold, so how does one move the camera as it doesn’t allow me to select the camera than use the move tool. As well as there is no option to change the coordinates inside the camera component.

Again thanks

Simply add the camera as a component to a game object and move the game object.

I hope this helps.