I've been told I can learn Scripting here but I can't seem to find the tutorial link (SOLVED)

I’ve been trying to build my first platformer game, my first game ever … I really wish to do so, but in order to build one I need to learn scripting, so I’ve been told the official site has lessons for Scripting that are useful, but I can’t find them.

Any help or tutorial videos will be much appreciated.

Thanks for helping me :heart:

Defold uses a programming language called Lua. It’s very commonly used in games, for scripting of plugins, ui or all game logic.

If you have no prior experience of programming in any language then you need to start from the absolute beginning. My recommendation is to read the book Programming in Lua: https://www.lua.org/pil/contents.html#P1

If you know a bit of programming then maybe this is enough: https://learnxinyminutes.com/docs/lua/

Finally make sure to also read this: https://www.defold.com/manuals/lua/


There are a number of tutorials on how to put things together in Defold (assuming you can read the Lua code) on https://www.defold.com/learn


Thanks a lot !

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