Hello everyone,
I am new to Defold and trying to learn how to switch scenes. I have tried following a tutorial, but was ultimately unsuccessful.
I have created two collection
level1.collection and level2.collection
and add the collectionproxy to try to make level1 collect the level2
but it displays Cyclic resource dependency detected error, can’t build the game
when I delete the collectionproxy object and create
/main/switch_level1_to_level2.script and put it on level1.collection
function init(self)
msg.post("#level1", “load”)
–msg.post("#level1", “unload”) – <11>
–msg.post("#level2", “enable”) – <12>
it display ERROR:GAMEOBJECT: Component ‘/go#level1’ could not be found when dispatching message ‘load’ sent from main:/go#loader
What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much.