Is it possible to use different interpolations for animation?

I know we can use easings, but these only affect the rate of change as animated values are transformed from the starting value to the ending value. What if we want to, however, animate something using a parabolic curve between two points? It’s difficult with the current animation system to achieve smooth parabolic movement. It would be nice if the animations could accept some percentage offsets and relative transformations to apply and then various interpolation functions for the points such as linear or cubic, etc.

If you want your object to follow a parabolic path (2D path) you just need to separate animations for X and Y position. X would use a linear easing. Y would use OUT_QUAD easing for the first half and then IN_QUAD for the second half of the curve.

All it takes is just a wrapper around existing animation API.


Sorry for bumping this, but what if the object were to move along a rotated axis?
Is it possible to animate it on a local x and y or does that require it to be placed within another object?

You can place it inside another object. Or you can animate entirely by code in update.


Thanks! That’s the solution I’ve been using so far.