Is hot reload particle effect when running game?

i like to be able to modify the particalfx emitter but in running game (ctrl+b) is it possible ?

Press CTRL+R to hot reload the currently opened file.

It should work by default for desktop builds, and for external devices, you need to connect to your target.

It is explained in the manual:


My mistake was that the ctr+r , is done on the running game ,
it needs to be invoked on the defold GUI

Do you mean in the editor?

Press Space to start/stop the selected particle system.

no , i mean in running game ,
but to take effect in the running game the CTRL+R should be done in the editor , not in the running game

I believe I understand now.

I was sidetracked by the the concept of “hot reload” which refers to a connection between the running game and the editor.

No, the particlefx lua module doesn’t currently have any ways to modify the particle fx at runtime.